We welcomed our lovely member Alison Brammer to our March meeting (11/3/24) sharing her experiences whilst doing a 50k charity walk & tidy-up project in Morocco, back in November 2022, all in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice. What a very worthy cause. Thank you for your ‘bucket’ donations, Alison really appreciated your kindness. We also held a themed Easter Raffle (thanks Clare Duffield) & our lovely refreshment ladies were Mary Rushton & Lyndsey Ward, thank you for your hard work. Thank you also to all our members who have already paid their membership fees, which as you know are due before the end of March.
We also had 3 entries to the ‘Decorate a Bra’ competition that the Cheshire Peaks are holding on Wednesday (13/3/24) so fingers crossed our entry is the winner